Monday, May 12, 2008

DSLRs & Imbeciles

So I finally bit the bullet and picked up a D-40 ( Nikon ) with a kit lens ofcourse. I think I'll wait a few months before I pick out a quality lens. I must say its pretty easy to use, once you've understood the whole shutter speeds, isos, light metering etc. I'll pick up a few accessories out later this week. They say that tripods matter a lot and investing in a good tripod is probably a wise thing.

So that was the first half, the second half, the imbeciles. Had a twat visiting this weekend. Supercilious cock. I don't particularly mind arrogant people, but they better be able to back that arrogance. Throwing ignorance into the mix just changes the way the game is played. When the camera box was opened, the twat jumped on the manual and began to read it cover to cover much to my annoyance as I prefer not to read the manual and turn to it as a last resort. I've always found it to be more fun discovering things on a new toy than completely knowing about its workings before you touch it. After browsing through the manual he exclaims 'Oh this camera has a lot of features and options to expand'. I raised an eyebrow. 'Its almost like my cybershot.' A circuit or breaker went off somewhere in my brain. I almost tore him limb to limb. How dare you compare a bleeding Point-and-Shoot with a bleeding SLR camera!


I was warned about a blog on a certain historical-mythical topic and I happened to read the first paragraph or so of it. Poorly researched with no clear defining line between sci-fi and myth and most of it seemed to be the opinion of the individual rather than any core fact. If there were any facts, it was poorly cited. Then again its just a blog.

Twat (2)

Thats my $.02 for the day.


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