Saturday, September 23, 2006

Whiskey by the Barrel load

The light at the end of the tunnel could be the signs of an oncoming train...

Thats pretty much the view we keep in mind when working at the Oz. The unit has given me quite a lot. Experience, an unbelievable amount of patience and a certain intuitive knack that seems to be integral for all network admins ( although my official job discription doesn't involve administering the network here).

Things started off with a rough Monday and progressed slowly as issues were found, fixed and fumbled with. The front lines are still holding. Mostly due to the diligence and the earnest approach by all my techs. ( yes! they are MY men not 'the' techs). Keep their nicotine levels high and the alcohol levels higher and there is no Juggernautical force out there that can't be overcome.

Have I mentioned before that I can't deal with incompetence? The best kept open secret in all organizations is that the work of the whole is actually really done by 2-3 key personnel. Just to be fair, Oz is great. Most and at this point please read between the lines... MOST of the techs I work with ( this doesnt include my men, we are one entity) are brilliant and very competent. I guess you can't have it all. That would just be too perfect. Again in argument for the slacker.. I guess it is really difficult to copy profiles and rename. All those clicks and keystrokes and changing windows. gosh I feel stressed out thinking about it.

In other news I got a new object of affection. Havent seen her yet. She should be coming by real soon. Real reall reall soon. mmmmmm lets call her cassie for now ( Cassandra)

Oz Status: All Units Green.

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