Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Rude Awakenin'

Its curious how oblivious we get to certain things after a while. It was always a known fact that a byproduct of smoking was the unbelievably strong and repulsive odor that clings on to your clothes and hair. It has been 5 days since I stopped smoking. Not a very big achievement but the experiment has been interesting. Day 3, I was sipping on some tea, reading something from a very drab book, when this gentleman walks by and sits on the next chair. The events that followed has left a lasting impression on me. He was a smoker. There was a cloud of some kind that engulfed his aura. He reeked! Oh my god! Wasn't I that same man a few days before?

You dear reader would probably not be surprised to find another post on my nicotine quitting streak. This whole blog is peppered with mentions of the various failed attempts. But till recently I just didn't have the right kind of motivation to quit. So what is it that's brought this about ? well now..;-)

addendum: Another reason why it hasn't been very difficult so far is probably cause of a horrid head cold I've been having for the last two weeks. We'll have to wait till it passes to see if I can stay off the butts. peace folks.


Jasleen said...

Yeah G, its pretty darn stinky. Wish you Good Luck with the quitting process!

RedKnight said...

its an 'ongoing' project. But with the right motivation wonders do happen ;-)

jasleen said...

My experiece with the cig odor is bit different. my brother who is almost in same shoes as you but he keeps on regressing :( ... however when i am travelling each time i smell the cig odor mixed with strong cologne (a lame effort to cover up) makes me comfortable of my surroundings ! silly perhaps but I thought I'd share it with you.

Good luck :)

Anonymous said...

Dude...it seems to be raining Jasleen on your blog....;)