Thursday, April 12, 2007

Raging Bull

I remember those cheers
They still ring in my ears
After years, they remain in my thoughts.
Go to one night
I took off my robe, and
What'd I do ?
I forgot to wear shorts.
I recall every fall.
Every hook, every jab
The worst way a guy can get rid of his flab.
As you know. My life wasn't drab.
Thought I'd much… though I'd rather hear you cheer.
When you delve… though I'd rather hear you cheer
When I delve into Shakespeare
"A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse", I haven't had a winner in six months.
Though I'm no Oliver
I would much rather … And I'm no Oliver
If he fought Sugar Ray
He would say
That the thing ain't the ring, it's the play.
So give me a stage
Where this bull here can rage
And though I could fight
I'd much rather recite
That's Entertainment.

That was the opening scene to Scosese's Raging Bull. An overweight, over-the-hill Jake LaMotta played by Robert De Niro lights up a cigar and goes on this rant. De Niro actually put on 45 pounds to play the role. The story is about a boxer back in the '40s. He was known has the Raging Bull for his fury in the ring. The story portrays his ring skills and his private demons he. We all have our demons. The length some people go to shut them up. … Cigarette ash flies in my eyes.. I smile.. careering through the universe.. axis on tilt.. guiltless and free… song from years ago. Moments passed.

The weather has turned to be quite a bitch. Old man winter's one last blast I hope. I haven't been back on Yonge Street in the last week or two. Too cold, the café's haven't put out their chairs and the crowd just shuffles as quickly as possible to their respective destinations. In addition to that, I seem to have lost The Eagle. Sorta kills the charm of having to walk up to a table and popping it on a pack of smokes. I wont be buying another lighter any time soon. Hopefully wouldn't need a lighter in the next few months. No, I don't plan to develop some self igniting cigarettes, although, that would be pretty slick. Crack it like a glowstick and inhale. Brilliant. I trademark that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>>We all have our demons. The length some people go to shut them up. …

So true that...the size of the demons may differ but we all have our demons.....

I liked the opening lines....