Monday, April 04, 2011

Season of TV shows blown out of cloud... for good • The Register

Bit off the usual path. I try to keep my entries sterile of technical blurbs as they tend to inundate most of my time. But this article was worth mentioning. Something for everyone to keep in mind when looking at 'cloud' solutions.

Not so long ago I had a similar experience when the VPS (Virtual Private Server) provider I subscribe to experienced a malicious attack on their server cluster resulting in massive data loss. Fortunately the server I run is a staging\test environment and did not have any active projects past what I would like to refer to as Stage 1 (install and fiddle). It would have been disastrous had I put in some time and brought it to Stage 2 (Beta release + active use)

Season of TV shows blown out of cloud... for good • The Register

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