Friday, March 25, 2011

All for want of a shiny new toy...

Once the feet began to ache it dawned on me that I had now become one of those people who you see in the news waiting forever in a line to pick up a shiny, new, over priced, over-hyped, under performing fashion accessory that's apparently a must have in this day and age.

That's right the iPad 2 launched today in Canada and I am in line to pick one up. I will bite my tongue, swallow my pride, steel up and stand with the black turtle-neck clad devotees, bear with their snooty talk while guzzling their Venti cafe-whatchaminghtcallits. All this while blue t-shirt clad drones buzz around giving advice, controlling crowds and handing out little cards with little fruit logos on it. Let's just hope I don't see anyone I know walking about in this mall


Anonymous said...

man....some people stoop to any level just to get a piece of glitzy electronic equipment


RedKnight said...

Addendum: It was actually for my dad being his birthday and all but I couldn't state that till we gave it to him. :-)

Anonymous said...

and with that addendum Mr GJ you have redeemed yourself in the eyes of humanity...:)

Pass my Birthday Wishes to Uncle.