Saturday, February 19, 2011

Armistice Journals - I

While my wife and I are slowly getting into the rhythms of living together and most of the bigger decision wars have slowly come to shaky armistice I've begun to purge a lot of older 'stuff'. Sometime last week, I came across a notebook of mine from college days. The first few pages looked like lecture notes, the rest were stupid silly poems I had written up on people and random things.

While reading through some of them, I realized that I was one mean SOB! I've said some really mean things about people. But you can't let all this go waste now can you ? There was a series I began in college called... 'Pretty Maids All in a Row...' and once published it'll reside for a very long time on the web..and google cache ;-).

Alright folks, this was a long time ago, we were very young and I seemed to have a lot of spare time on my mind. Laugh at it, still mad ? Give me a shout, I promise to show up and you have one free shot (just dont hit the left side of my face!)


shes got a Special-spot that i'll tell u about
touch her there and she'll scream and shout!

this is where it came about
that time when she fell off the pot!
this is the were and how of it...
it happened when she went for a shit,
she finished the job that much i know
now all that wuz left was to clean up the show.

she reached for the soap way up high
she might as well have reached for the sky.

then her stubby legs did give way
all because of an untimely sway..
Into the pot one of them stuck tight
and wouldnt come free without a fight.
out went the call for a trusted aide
in rushed 'Aunty' with a spade
i want u to get my leg out dont u see
pull out my leg..set me free
i have exam that i must take
how can i now my leg break?

'Aunty' now rushed back, now with an axe
but the toilet still would not call a ROMANA PAX.

push and pull came to shove
carrying the olive branch out came the dove
the end of the conflict was plain to see
a white plaster cast had she below her knee.
Oh! My! Oh! Me!...look all yee
tween the pot and the ground many a Slip there can be!!!



Have u ever seen the likes of Bhoon
Who talks funny and walks like a toon!
Her hair tied to a pony tail small
With her six inch heels she stands so tall!

Look at her ambling to class
Walk of a penguin going for mass.
She walks past us and gives the look
For in her books, we are but crooks!

Though she is a sweet girl as such
To us she doesnt talk that much
Maybe the fault is all but ours
By pulling her leg at every hour.

You may think we are but mean
Dont take to heart
For we are all noise and not what we seem!



They say a pictures worth a thousand words,
And about you I'd say, could turn fresh milk to curds!
Drunk are you in that empty vanity,
You think you can drive men out of their sanity!

Oh! how dissolutioned are you my poor girl,
better get out of the dream in which you twirl!

On your face pimples roam free,
Count them One,Two,three!
There was this tale about some frog
who when kissed turned a prince,
I bet you are waiting your turn still!!

Though you think yourself a bomb,
you look old enough to be my MOM!
The intension was not to hurt ma mere,
the object was to compare!

Now I know when they say 'Loves Blind',
When the age diffrence between you two your boyfriend don't seem to mind
Sad am I to break this party,
For your bofriend behind you too calls you 'Aunty'!

I wonder if you can understand all this,
For I know how limited your vocabulary is.
But don't worry and dont despair.
For I have a dictionary for you to spare.

Shes one weird chick
The thought of her just makes me sick.
Her face in the morning riuns the day,
And you can be sure ill luck will come your way.

I fail to see what some see in her
Or maybe they just fancy her rear!
She thinks she's of a higher institution
To us she seems like a step back in evolution!

Can't write more,lost my appitite,
Till tonight I won't be able to take another bite.
For food she can destroy all cravings,
Just think about the money you'd be saving!
As I think of the extra cash in awe
She struts by, dear 'Parimal-'awww''!!!


Theres this female whos way over her head,
Who basked in glory of what people about her said.

You can see her prancing about,
Trying to rope any guy no matter thin or stout.
She thinks the guys fall under her spell,
While in mosts mind,she's nothing but a bitch from hell!

No matter what i say or write
For her its a compliment all right.
The fault is of some guys,
Who lift her ego up to the skys.
On them,she can put blinkers,
While on some,nothing happens
How much ever she tinkers.

One thing is clear and thats her stamp
To us she ain't nothing but a slutty ol' vamp!
On this slander,we shant take more time,
Oh! what a waste of so much a rhyme!

For those of you who came in late,
And still a face to this dame they can't relate,
Too bad!!...tough luck mate!


Anonymous said...

man this is so so you in college days...maybe someday we should just for old times sake go and stand near that mining well and maybe comment on the girls there (just that we will be called dirty old fellows by those girls :) ) but I guess that's ok for old times sake....


RedKnight said...

I just came across the piece i wrote on Mandal as well. I'll put it up as a part of Journal entry III.

This notebook just cracked me up scores of really bad writing :P