Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Quacks, Hacks and 60's Tracks

For the last couple of days, as a form of therapy I was compiling this document and was to be posted on the blog, however due to circumstances beyond my current realm of influence, it wont be available for a while.

In other news, the other buddy seems to have begun a blog as well. He is currently using a service, what seemed to be very similar to MySpace. Whats annoying about it is the fact that we can't post anonymous comments ( or comments by users without an accounts ), a typical rookie oversight. I also recently reactivated my deviantart account and posted a few pictures from my summer trip. One or two of them got about 54 hits in one single day. A definite improvement from the 32 hits ( in 3 years for previous submissions ) lol.

Health-wise, its on the severe patch right now. Before the nodding and tsk-tsking begins, I've been actually pretty good the last month or so, alcohol comsumption has droppped a whopping 75% and smoking by about 98%.. not too bad I'd say. But its been rather uncomfortable the last couple of days and I think I might have to finally bite the bullet and see the doc. I hate having going to doctors. Specially the ones i dont trust, and no I don't trust the ones out here, well anywhere for that matter. What really shattered my belief in them is when guys / girls I knew from school started getting into Med school after highschool. Now before most of you start to take offense to this, I must state that I am talking about the select few, yes yes you buddy. I know what sort of a hack job you did through school, and how you passed your science courses both in highschool and college, and i would trust your judgement because......... ?

While on the subject of hackjobs, Microsoft has given a release date on windows 7, vista's successor. This one will be a whole post by itself...Now I'm getting irritated ( but that could also be due to the lack of nicotine...). Time to get some green tea and step out to muse and smok... frak.. yeah step out and muse...

PS: As most of my friends know my Beatle-mania here are three quotes of Lennon that kickstarted my day. Each for particular individual I wish I could say upfront:

     -  Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

     - You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own   temple. It's all down to  you, mate.

     - You don't need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are!

John Winston Lennon (1940 - 1980)

Addendum : I was reading through this post later in the day and I really felt bad about the quacks some of my peers turned out to be. This edit is just to emphasize that even though a majority turned into quacks, there are the genuine cases, who I'm sure adhere to the sacred oath and are skilled at the job... I can rattle off a few names off the top of my head.
The Quacks are obvious.

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