Sunday, February 17, 2008

Another year in the Tundra

A slight change in the summer plans have left me a bit disoriented. I must admit I do not like being caught off-balance but the recovery is pretty quick. Except for this one thing/time.I was really looking forward to this summer. Somethings will always remain unfed, ignored and abandoned.I can hear the sound of raindrops knocking against my window pane, supercooled droplets that freeze on contact, slowly making the glass opaque, shutting out the light, until all that remains is a diffused glowing portal.February weather, not the greatest. Infact I'd go on to state that by far the most miserable month in the year out here. It right around this time, about 7 years ago, a ragged family from the south-asia made their first entry into this country. Looking at the pictures that scatter lazily around my desk and floor.(always procrastinated putting them up ) .. its curious to see the faces and places, and thinking back , we never once thought that we'd meet here.Chimpu, V.Amma , Mahesh, Wolf, and a couple of other faces, smiling, frozen in time.

Watched a movie the other day, I haven't been keeping up with that scene in a while now. Stardust, the usual fantasy blah.. but somehow it captivated my attention and i actually watched the whole thing.Claire Danes was amazing. Something about her, reminds me... no not of someone...just the idea.. I had a dream where I was on my way to get something, now what it was or what had set me off on this path in my dream, i do no recall. But all i do remember is being curious, a bit blue and going a particular way, not knowing if it were right or not... just had to find ...And all that musing just to get off doing this report thats due
tomorrow. Cheers all. ;-)


Anonymous said...

7 yrs...and I still seem to recall clearly that evening when you were leaving...all those photographs taken(inverted dictionary is my favorite),that dinner at Rice Bowl....and during all that time not allowing myself to think that it maybe the last I would seeing of you even though deep within I was sure it was...and remember how the other f**** started crying.....boy that was crazy.....maybe 9 yrs is long enough maybe it's just not long enough....

RedKnight said...

yeah, seems like yesterday. funny how things change so much, people too. Maybe they were always like that and we failed to notice, or we've gained a certain insight over the years that passed.. whatever be.. this life has been an interesting one :-).

Jasleen said...

You guys cried? WOW!

RedKnight said...

Just for the record.. only gireesh did!

Anonymous said...

4 yrs in that god forsaken place making an image for ourselves...and 4 years after that living with that self made image feeling great about ourselves and then a blog...and then a comment....and then a small question "You guys cried?" and if that was'nt bad enough a "WOW!" to follow...Gau I think high it's time we moved a starting point can you shut your blog down????

You think we should get a Image makeover consultant....?????

RedKnight said...

Image consultant or a fairy godmother .. dude we'll need a pumpkin turned to a carriage.

Jasleen said...

Are you guys saying that you are little Cinderellas?