Sunday, November 04, 2007

Secret Society Security Breach

This is now getting to a point where its downright annoying. So most of the lads/lassies I've known over the years have/are getting married. Why do they just drift into another plane of existence after they tie the knot ? Is there some kind of an elite secret club that they get interred into? Or do these folk now think they are just better than the rest of us singletons ? Or is it the fact that perhaps I/We know just too much about their pre-marital existence that they rather the world not know ?

For those who are reading this blog, damn straight I mean you Mister/Missy ! I've been noticing this for a while, but you know the rules:
- Once -> hap-happens
- Twice -> Co-incidence
- Thrice -> Enemy fire!

I understand the fact that things change after 'the event' but you can't just erase your own identity completely. this little tricks been going on for a few centuries apparently..I'm on you people! and this post is to make the public aware of its existence.

I'm going to make this post short and simple ( I think I'm being traced as I type this), in event of my 'mysterious disappearance' or 'sudden nuptial'. All readers beware.

Signing out in fear of his life and individual identity I remain...

Your truly



till later


"per astera ad astram"


Anonymous said...

"Et tu, Brute?"
and then Caesar Dies....

I guess our bachelor's Club is all but dead...long live matrimony..... :|

RedKnight said...

dead ? NEVERRR!! they'll never take me aliveeeeeeeeeeeee

Jasleen said...

Happens...happens to people even when they start seeing/dating people. This is one of my pet peeves. When people completely cut friends out of their lives because they are dating/married/getting laid on a consistent basis :D

RedKnight said...

ye you can say that again and I see it happening again over the next couple of months. (gireesh is getting married, got engaged over the weekend )

Jasleen said...

oh you arw losing another one! I have lost most of the gvit crowd to marriage! :D Except for Dhiraj