Sunday, May 06, 2007

Behind the Iron Curtain

I have wrestled with this thought for years and I have finally made up my mind. With Andreea's help I have plotted my little Byzantine Adventure.

It all begins at the centre of the greatest civilization in Europe. The city of 7 hills, the city founded by the two brothers Romulus and Remus.. ROME

Addednum ( May 6th )

The following are the cities in the initial list. However, the question of going down the Dalmatian coast is another factor. stay tuned for more updates !

1. San Marino

Many years ago a brazilian Formula 1 driver broke into the scene and began to be a serious annoyance for the then champion Nigel Mansel. He was no other than the great Arton Senna. I followed his career over the years till it abruptly ended when his car crashed into a wall on a rather dangerous turn during the San Marino Grand Prix. There was a controversy of a faulty gear box etc that dragged on for a few years later.

I have to pay my respects to my childhood idol.

2. Genova

The great port city of Genova, the scene for many a play and fable.

3. Milan

The architecture, the history, the hotties from the runway. ( Milan is one of the world's fashion capitals ).

4. Verona ( undecided )

5. Venice

No trip to italy can be completed without a stop over at Venice. Considering the fact that the city might not exist in a few decades ( thank global warming and other factors ). Plus it was a city designed by da vinci. Cant miss that one out!

6. Triste ( Slovania )

The first step into the old iron curtain. Border town boasts of some fun joints.

7. Budapest

One crucial stop in my little tour. Capital of Hungary, the old Magyar stronghold. The twin cities of Buda and Pest holds a horde of treasures for a history and architecture buff.

Also a lot of wicked nightclubs as well.

8. Sibu

9. Brasov

Brau castle around Brasov is where Dracula's castle is supposed to be located. Vlad Teppes III, Vlad the Impaler, Vald Drakulya was a transalvanian prince known for his cruelty to both his enemies and friends alike. He is said to have done quite a lot of unspeakable things in his life. A member of the Order of the Dragon, created by the Magyar Kings at the time to fend off the Ottoman invaders from the east, Vlad Teppes fought and defended his part of the Balkans. It is said that Saladin had his head on display in Istanbul after he was eventually killed.

10. Bucarest

Some R&R in this the capital of Romania, Andreea should be filling us in about this leg of the journey.

11. Constante

The first glimpse of the black sea. I wonder if there is a ferry or some service from here to Istanbul ?

12. Istanbul

Constantinople, the heart of the ottoman empire, the heart of Byzantine, the envy of Rome. And rightfully too. Strategically located at the straights of Bhosphorus, this was the link between Europe and Asia. The Silk route, the access to the Black sea, over the centuries right into the cold war, the Bhosphorous was the unsaid neutral zone where espionage and drama was daily part and parcel of life.


Anonymous said...

Hey Gau...ALL THE BEST with your travel plans.....btw I think u forgot to mention one of the most inviting statistic ,that women outnumber men in that part of the world...if u include that maybe you will have people ready to give you company on that trip.......but then again who needs to take company along there...;)

Jasleen said...

I am jealous!

Andreea said...

Shaaaaaaaaaaaadam to that!

RedKnight said...

lol people people! i havent finished. it was posted prematurely coz i just couldnt hold back the map thingy! I'll finish the rest of the post tonight

Andreea said...

no, no, nothing was lost my shadams are still there!

Andreea said...

shirley horn, look her up, jazz and blog writing, a good glass of wine and there a perfect evening....and no, i said no no no smoking, tsk tsk tsk, the thought was there in ur head for a second, wasn't it?

RedKnight said...

crap. you just know me too well. hey. i'm doing pretty good though on the smokefree!

Jasleen said...

I was jealous after reading the incomplete post.. still Jealous..:p

Andreea said...

ok here's the deal:
1)italy has never been bedind the iron curtain, neither was turkey.
2)there is a ferry constanta (romania)-derince(turkey), around 20 euros.
3)sibiu is empty, why is sibiu emty? "In 2007 Sibiu is the European Capital of Culture (together with Luxembourg). It is the most important cultural event that has ever happened in the city and a great number of tourists are expected, both domestic and foreign."
4)verona? the balcony? romeooooo, why r u romeooooo

RedKnight said...

I KNOWWW Italy wasnt behind the Iron Curtain! since most of the trip is concentrated EAST of ITALY!....