Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bangin' Weekend

So here is a take on client services, from an experience I had over the weekend. I was covering for my Dad at the rental agency, manning the counter, doing the bookings, reservations and turning around cars etc.. or so I thought.. I've been in the client services field for a while now.. four - five years now, noting the body language, tones, gestures .. Over the years it turns to a form of art like mimes ( if you call that art ). At my workplace I am the top dawg, the shite, the-man-to-go-to ( or so I think, yes the ego has landed ).
What I did forget where the initial years, when it did feel like a form of art, the adult industry sort of art. At this point I am going to pause and state that I am not one who is going to deny that I've watched adult oriented (pornographic ) material. Yes I have, some rather bizaare stuff too. Stuff that you wish you hadn't seen before... ANYWAY!, back to the point.. my initial years in customer service was very much artsy.. pornographic, gangbanging artsy. The sort of feeling you'd feel after being violated by a melon artsy.

And thats how my weekend was. Still very sore, very raw, rather amused, grimacing at the fact that I have one more weekend to bear and stay with much more respect for those daring women in the sex industry ( men too I suppose, haven't checked that scene before.. 'the women never camee!!!..'* )

I remain
Yours truely ( and sorely)


* -> for those who recognized that line from 40 year old virgin .. or was that from another movie ?

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Secret Society Security Breach

This is now getting to a point where its downright annoying. So most of the lads/lassies I've known over the years have/are getting married. Why do they just drift into another plane of existence after they tie the knot ? Is there some kind of an elite secret club that they get interred into? Or do these folk now think they are just better than the rest of us singletons ? Or is it the fact that perhaps I/We know just too much about their pre-marital existence that they rather the world not know ?

For those who are reading this blog, damn straight I mean you Mister/Missy ! I've been noticing this for a while, but you know the rules:
- Once -> hap-happens
- Twice -> Co-incidence
- Thrice -> Enemy fire!

I understand the fact that things change after 'the event' but you can't just erase your own identity completely. this little tricks been going on for a few centuries apparently..I'm on you people! and this post is to make the public aware of its existence.

I'm going to make this post short and simple ( I think I'm being traced as I type this), in event of my 'mysterious disappearance' or 'sudden nuptial'. All readers beware.

Signing out in fear of his life and individual identity I remain...

Your truly



till later


"per astera ad astram"